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Bureau of RF & AL Office of the Asst Supt Sub Dist of Fauqr Va May 8th, 1866- Major Jas Johnson V.R.C} Supt 10th Va Dist} Fredericksburg Va} Major I have the honor to report in compliance with Par 6 circular No. 10 from Hd Qrs Asst Comr State of Va. That no cases of freedmen have been tried by the civil authorities during the month of April /66 wherein the freedmen has not had every opportunity to a fair and impartial trial The two cases that I have already reported as having had a preliminary hearing last March. & were remanded for trial at the Circuit court last month (April) were found Guilty McKnight for horse stealing was sentenced to the Penitentiary for 7 years. Daniel Ray found Guilty of stealing (Grand larceny) 56 lbs of bacon. Sentenced to 18 month in Penitentiary - I was present during the Examination & to the subsequent trial of the prisoners & was fully satisfied that every opportunity was