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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Hd Qrs Asst Supt 8th Dist Va
Marion Smyth Co Va June 25th 1866

I have the honor to make the following report relative to the Administration of Civil Justice in my Sub Dist.

On the 27th of May 1866 Wm A Jones a white citizen of this place was tried by the County Court for shooting Rosanna a Freedwoman then in his employ.

Mr Jones stated on his examination before a Magistrate that he went to whip Rosanna and took his revolver in one hand and a stick in the other. That he struck Rosanna and she attempted to run from him, he ordered her to stop, that he shot at her twice.

On the reexamination of Mr Jones before the Co Court, Dr Watson testified, that he was call on or about the 20th of January 1866 to dress the wound. That on examination he found the ball had hit Rosanna on the left arm near the elbow, and that

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