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Hd. Qrs Asst Supt 8th Dist Va.
Estillville Va June 25th 1866

Bvt. Brig. Genl O. Brown
Asst Commr of Va

I have the honor to make the following report in relation to the "administration of civil justice" as regards the Freedmen of my Sub Dist, there have been but very few cases in which the freedmen were either a party or where their evidence was required - but in all such as have occurred - the civil magistrates appear to desire to administer justice to all parties without exception of color; I know of no case of oppression or injustice.

One magistrate of this Co. (Scott) has said (as reported to me) that he would not take the evidence of the freedmen, but as he has had no cases yet. I have had no opportunity of putting it to the test.

Very Respectfully
York A. Woodward
1st Lieut 24" V.R.C.
Asst Supt