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a Mr B.C. Macoy stated publicly in this place that Eastham & himself belonged to Mosbys command and as they were riding along at one time they came up to a Union Soldier (an old man) who was broken down and sitting beside the road his horse near him & his carbine leaning on the fence Eastham jumped off his horse against the remonstrance of Macoy took up the carbine and the old man began to plead for his life when he struck him dashing out his brains. Henry O Bannon & J.T. Stark also made statement of like character. This man is considered in his county as a "gallant Southern soldier"
No other cases have come under my notice during the month 
I am Major Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W.S. Chase  
2d Lt 18th V.R.C & Asst Supt 

Transcription Notes:
Carbine is a short rifle/musket.