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Bureau R.F. & A.L. Sub Dist of Hanover. 
(Hanover Co) Ashland, Va. July 31st 1866

Capt J A McDonnell,
Supt 3d Dist. Richmond, Va.

In compliance with existing instructions I have the honor to submit the following report, with reference to the operations of Circular No 10. C.S. from the Hd Qurs of the Asst Comr, State of Va. in this Sub Dist during the present month.  

While I have no cases to report of gross legal injustice, it is still true that the colored man does not have equal protection by law; — a condition of things attributable to the lingering prejudices of even the most enlightened, and, reputed-to-be fair-minded of the white citizens.

The cases of complaint, in withholding from the freed people their just dues, are quite numerous; and I am compelled to the conclusion that, if left to the civil authorities they will, in many instances, be defrauded of their rightful earnings. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servant, 
Ira Ayer Jr. Bvt Lt Col 
& Asst Supt. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-26 02:03:36