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042 Office of Asst. Supt. R.F and A L. Spottsylvania County Virginia Fredericksburg July 31/66 Brevet Brig Gen'l O. Brown A.A.A. Genl Bureau of RF & AL} Richmond Va General In obedience to Circular No 10 Par VI Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A. Lands, Head Quarters Asst Commissioner State of Virginia dated Richmond Va March 12th 1866. I have the honor to report that there has been no criminal cases of any importance, in which Freedmen were parties, tried by the Civil Courts of this Sub-District during the month ending July 31/66. There has been two (2) cases examined by the Civil authorities, and sent forward for further examination before the County Court. Colored testimony was admitted before those examining Courts, but as it generally agreed in most particulars with the testimony of the white witnesses, I am unable to say whether the Magistrates took the testimony of the Colored
Transcription Notes:
042 is visible, but not the fourth number of NARA
Spotsylvania misspelled in original - looks good.
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