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Bureau R. F and A. L. Hd. Qrs. Supt 2d Dist Petersburg Va Aug. 14th 1866 Genl O Brown A.A. Adj. Genl Bureau R.F and A.L. Richmond Va. General, I have the honor to forward herewith Reports in compliance with Circular No. 10. c.s. Hd. Qrs Asst. Commr Va." for the following Counties in this Dist. for the month of July 1866; viz: Dinwiddie, Prince George, Surry, Sussex, Halifax, Hecklenburg, Charlotte, Nattoway, Lunenburg, Brunswick and Greenville Co's. Owing to the affairs in charge of Buckingham, Aurelia and Powhatan Cos. having been relieved, no reports will be received from the Cos. for July. The reports from Prince Edward and Cumberland will be forwarded as soon as necessary. Very Respect'ly Your Ob't. Svt. T. Frank [[O Crandon?]] Bvt. Maj and Supt 2d. Dist 1 Encld )