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Heathsville Va County of Northcumberland Aug. 24th Asst Courier Bur of RF&AL. Richmond Va Sir In compliance with Par."VII" Cir No "10" dated Hd Qrs Asst Couer. State of Va March 12th 1866 I have the honor to report. that the order restoring jurisdiction in criminal cases over colored persons, has resulted during the month of August 1866, in no prejudice to the interests of the latter, in this subdistrict In the county of Northcumberland, there has been no trials in which Freedmen were parties, and in Lancaster county. None were found guilty of offences except upon such evidence as seemed to me to establish their guilt beyond a doubt. No difference or distinction between White or Black, in the matter of giving testimony was made by the Courts but where there was a contradiction between them, a jury would in every case give the preference to the whites. Very respectfully Your Obt Servt E. W. Busby Lt & asst Supt Freedmen &c Cos. of Northld & Lancaster Va
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Reopened for Editing 2024-04-24 22:09:53