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Office Asst Supt Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Orange Court House Va
August 31st 1866

Brevet Major W. R. Morse
Supt 4th Dist Va
Gordonsville Va

I have the honor to transmit the following Monthly Report in compliance with Circ No 10. Bureau R.F.& A.L. HeadQuarters Asst Comr Va Richmond Va March 12th 1866. 

There have been several Freedman tried in the County Court this month for Criminal offences, Stealing hogs being the general complaint. Their evidence has been received in good faith, and the Courts have seemed to give them an impartial trial. The sentences have been severe, still within the law, two received a sentence if two month's imprisonment in the County Jail, and to receive thirty nine stripes. This is the first case of the stripes being ordered by the Court.

I am very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
J. W. Barnes Capt V.R.C.
Asst Supt Bureau R.F & A.L.