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Office Asst Supt Matthews & Gloucester Co Va
Matthews Ct Ho. Va. August 31st 1866
Genl S.C. Armstrong
Supt 5th Dist Va
I have the honor to make the following Report in obedience with Par. 6 Cir. No. 10. Office Asst Comr State of Va, for the past month.
At this term of the County Court for Matthews Co. there were tried four cases in which colored persons were parties. The first was Commonwealth vs. Jacob Hern (cold.) on charge of Assault and Battery on one James Newman (white) The witnesses on part of the prosecution were Albert Richardson & James Newman. Deft. had no witnesses. Richardson testified that Newman called at his (witnesses) store one dark stormy evening last spring considerably under the influence of liquor, and called for liquor and drank it. soon Hern the Deft. come in. Newman turned to him and