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On the first Monday - the 3rd day of this month, a colored man and woman, charged with larceny, were sent before the County Courts by "James S Calloway", J.P. to be indicted by the Grand Jury; but the proceedings being irregular, from the fact that the session was not a Grand Jury term, they were quashed by the Attorney for the commonwealth "Wm. T. Taliaferro." 
A few days ago a letter came to hand from Pittsylvania Co., stating that Henry Fry, colored, had been arrested, taken before a Justice of the Peace, "and made to give his note for 42$," for having abducted his own child, named Spencer, from  John Patterson's place, in Franklin Co; he having kept him at the writer E. C. Dodson's place fourteen days, the charges being at the rate of 3$ per day; and the writer wished to be informed if the Boy had been bound to Patterson. The child had been bound, by Lt. Jas. R. Warden, my predecessor, and it appears that the penalty inflicted was in accordance with the Law of the State. 
The following may be of interest.
On the 30th of last month, the Steward of the Poor House complained to me that he had found a Colored man, employed about the place, in 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-26 14:24:19