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There was another case of two freedwomen against a White man named Naynard Dyson. This Dyson was about the only one that refused to be ruled by the decision of the Freedman Court. in this County.

He was summoned to appear before the Court here (sometime in March last) but would not attend the summons. The case was a small one and in his defence was decided. he to pay them 5 Barrels of Corn.
He then came up to Court, with an offset, which the Court would not receive. He refused point blank to pay, but when I threatened to hold him for the [[?]], he promised to pay two Barrel, of the Corn then, and the Balance in a month from that time. This he refused to comply with and in the meantime the cases were turned over to the Civil Courts. I advised them to bring a suit against him before the Magistrates. They done so, and I was summoned as a witness. The case was immediately decided against Dyson with Costs.

I am [[?]]
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
John O'Dwyer [[?]]
Asst Supt Bureau RF and AL
Sub Dist of Caroline, Caroline C Va