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or had even since had more opportunity for fitting himself to his new sphere of life or changed social condition.

Mr. Dillard, of course, applied himself to destroy the theory advanced; & after laboring very hard in the direction; ridiculing the Counsels latter remarks en passant now present for the purpose of reporting the proceedings." He stated that every possible measure had been resorted to, in order to get this Negro off, and admonished the Jury, that they must not be induced to believe that "Cuffey" was as immaculate & inoffensive a creature as the "Yankees would fain have him thought; and that if they - the "Yankees" - in breathing the ethereal bubble of Freedom in the whole Race had but left them the happy alternative to either starve & naked, or steal, when they dud the latter, it became a solemn duty to make severe example of every one so offending, in order to deter the rest from doing still worse. He said that unless this were done, nothing would be safe, either in Franklin County or anywhere else. That Robbery, Arson, Rape, & Murder would become the order of the day throughout the already devastated & oppressed South. He wound up by conjuring the Jury to by no means [[strikethrough]]to[[/strikethrough]] let the accused escape; to not fulfill the will, & obey the mandate of their Masters; to not be intimidated, but do their whole duty; & send the prisoner, not for one year only, but for  five years to the Penitentiary; &c &c.

It is very unfortunate, that if a presiding Judge, tacitly allows such language to find free ex

Transcription Notes:
4.26.2024 - "en passant" = "by the way; incidentally"