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Charles Fergins  Levi Price  Daniel Lawson & Henry Franklin all found guilty of Felony & sentenced 3 years each to the Penitentiary.

John. Jones for housebreaking sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary.

In each of these Cases the evidence of the guilt of the parties was established beyond a doubt  I listened to all the evidence. the prisoners were ably defended by Mr. Leak of Orange Co. Va also Mr. Sanford. of same County each of whom volunteered their services -

Judge Watson presided. 
I am satisfied that he is a man that will see that impartial justice is administered, in every case irrespective of caste or color.

There were three Colored men examined before the County Court of Orange this month. for Petit Larceny" they were bailed - & will be tried next term Circuit Court  I think however the evidence will not sustain the charge They can only be found guilty of a misdemeanor

Upon the whole I am free to say I am well pleased with the 
