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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L
Office Sub Dist Eastern Shore of VA
Drummondtown Va November 30th 1866

Bvt Brig Gen O.Brown

In compliance with paragraph 6 of Circular No 10 C.S from Hd Quarters Asst Comr State of Virginia I have the honor to report that I have attended all criminal trials of which I have had Knowledge held in the Sub District during the past month to which a Colored person was a party. At the last session of the county court several freedmen were tried on charges of felony House breakin, Larceny &c the trials were carried on fairly and the law was administered impartially. As the session of the Circuit Court held in begining of the present month several Freedmen were tried and convicted of various crimes the punishment inflicted in each case was a short imprisonment and a whipping varying in the number of stripes from twenty to fifty. Some of the prisoners elected this mode of punishment in preference to a long confinement in the County jail. the chief difficulty in obtaining justice is to get a Magistrate to issue a warrant for arrest and make