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upon a man, the case was, I think properly dismissed. As one witness swore that he had "illicit intercourse" with her as many as fifty times during the past year. The child was also of a lighter color than either its alleged father or the mother. A white scion of chivalry, privately informed me, that it was "all right", as he made an engagement to meet her, and that she came to the place appointed. A man named Jones (living near the C.H.) has tried to defraud his hands, who worked under a written contract. The magistrates say they will make an example of him, if they do not I will report the facts and hope some action will be taken in regard to it.

I am, Sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
J. A. Yeckley
Lt & Asst Supt
Pr George & Dinwiddie Cos., Va.