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Bureau of R F. & A.L
Office of the A.S.A.Comr
5th Div 4th Va. Sub Dist
Culpeper C H Va.
June 30th 1867

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comr State of Va.
Richmond Va.

General -
I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No 10 par 6 H'd Qrs Asst Comr State of Va. dated Richmond Va. March 12th 1866 - the result of transferring to Civil authorities jurisdiction over criminal causes where the colored person is a party - with reference to the interests of the latter &c-

No criminal cases have been tried in the County Court of Rappahannock Va.  there are two cases (civil) which will be tried next term of Court - which will be reported.

At the circuit term of Culp'r Co Court the case of Phil Nelson (cold) who was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment upon the charge of shooting with intent to kill - tried before Judge Watson the sentence [[strikethrough]] case [[/strikethrough]] was set aside by the Judge & a new trial ordered - this June time 1866 - in Nov./66 the case was continued until this June term & tried before Judge Harris & Phil was fined $20 & discharged the evidence only sustained the charge of unlawful shooting without intent to kill. The case of Abram Rixey (cold)


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-07 12:22:11 NARA microfilm numbers for this project have four digits, and the last digit on this page is illegible, so it is transcribed as 050[[?]]. It is 0503.