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Hd Qrs A.S.A. Com'r. 4th Div 8th Sub Dist. Va.
Salem. Roanoke Co. Va. July 30. 1867
Capt. Garrick Mallary. A.A.A.G.
Hd Qrs. Asst. Com'r. Va.
I have the honor to state that but one case in which Freedmen were interested came before the Civil Courts in my Division during the past month and that was not decided by the court, they being uncertain as to the law on the subject:  A Freedwoman made a charge of Bastardy against a white man and the Court being unable to find any law of the state of Va. bearing upon the case, continued the case until next month and asked instructions.
I have asked instructions of Capt. Wm P. Austin  Sub. Asst. Com'r.
I do not think the court is inclined to do injustice to the Freedwoman as there appears to be no state law under which they can act. The Legislature of Va having failed to amend