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Accompanying this, I enclose "Reports" of cases taken notice of by me as Military Commissioner in consequence of the failure of the Civil authorities to act promptly in the premises, or to adjudicate same in accordance with any ideas of equity and justice

In sending cases to the Magistrates, I have adopted the rule of requesting them to return the notice to me, within a given number of days with their action endorsed thereon, which plan of operation enables me to keep myself advised as to the manner in which these cases are disposed of by simply referring to my Office Records.

The Criminal Dockets of the four Counties show evidence of a marked decrease in the number of Criminal offences. - no serious crimes have been perpetrated in my Division during the month notwithstanding the excitement arising from Registration, political meetings &c

Respectfully submitted
Jno W. Jordan
Bvt Lieut Col USV
Asst Sub: Asst Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-08 21:13:54 NARA microfilm numbers for this project have four digits, and the last digit on this page is illegible, so it is transcribed as 061[[?]].