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and to be farther dealt with, according to law. 

Given under my hand and seal this the 5th day of July 1867

Ed A. Freeman P.P. (seal)

Culpeper County to wit:

To the sheriff of Culpeper County, and to the keeper of jail of said county: 

These are to command you, the said sheriff, in the name of the commonwealth of Virginia forthwith to convey and deliver into the custody of the keeper of said jail, together with this warrant, the body of William Waugh, charged before me, Ed. A. Freeman, a justice of the said County, on the oath of Powatan Robertson, with a felony, committed, in this, that the said William Waugh, on the 4th day of July in the year 1867, in the said County, did feloniously and burglariously break and enter in the night of that day, about twelve o'clock, the dwelling-house of said Powatan Robertson, in the said County, with intent then and there, in the said dwelling-house, feloniously to ravish and carnally to know one, Lena Kloss, a female of the age of twelve years, or more, by force and against her will; and you the said keeper of the said jail, are hereby required to receive the said Wm Waugh into your jail and custody, and him safely keep, that he may be tried for the said offence, by the County Court of the said County, and him there safely keep until he shall be

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-09 10:18:41 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-09 12:30:27 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-09 12:59:58 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-09 15:09:40 last name is Kloss, not Klop