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It not having been a part of her contract - but rather, "Her own team was to do the hauling." You will there also see why the cold. man was misled in hiring the team - which he paid for from his own funds, having been required to do so, on the completion of the work. I have recently been informed that Mrs. Peters wants to compromise with the Freedman, by paying him the balance, after deducting four days hauling: but up to the present, I have receive no proposition from her to that effect. I now await Squire Charlton's reply, before proceeding with the case.
The case of Waller R Preston referred to in my last report, as charged with severely whipping two colored boys, the sons of Taylor McNorton, a respectable cold. man of this county, is still under investigation - Sworn proof being required on both sides, by the General Com'dg this Sub District, to be transmitted with report. Hope to be able to furnish this report on or before the 28th inst. it having been delayed, through the contumacy of Mr. Preston. He is also charged with having refused to take corn in his mill to be ground, from a colored man named Andrew Oliver, who previous to his joining the Union League, was on the best of terms with said Preston. The sworn evidence in this case will also be transmitted with my report, on or before the 28th inst. A number of minor cases, have been satisfactorily settled to all parties concerned, without the form of a trial, but simply on a full investigation of all the facts, and the rendering of what I conceived to be a just decision.
I am Captain, Very Respectfully, Your obt. sevt
C S Schaeffer Bv't Captain & A.S.A. Com'r.

Transcription Notes:
5.7.2024 - "contumacy" = "stubborn refusal to obey or comply with authority, especially a court order or summons"