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Bureau of R.F &. A L
Office of the A.S A Comr
5th Div 4th Va. Sub Dist
Culpeper C H Va.
October 31st 1867

Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown
Asst Comr Dist of Va.
Richmond Va.


I have the honor in compliance with Circular 10 par 6 Hd. Qrs Asst Commr State of Va. dated Richmond Va. March 12th 1866 to report the result of transferring to Civil Authorities Jurisdiction in criminal cases over colored persons with refrence to the interests of the latter

Harris & Stewart colored were released from Jail this month haveing served out there time of their confinement for petit larceny (3) three months.  Ned Brown colored was commited this month on the charge of misdemeaner failed to give bail and was put in Jail he will be indicted the next term of County Court & tried.

Wm. Waugh still awaiting trial next November term Circuit Court for Burglary & attempting rape -  This is the case which has been previously reported in my August & September reports a special report will be furnished in this case when it is tried -

No other cases were tried in in the Culpeper County Court
