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50 Pge RF&AL & SD. Va. 3 Vol 11.8
Bu R.F. and AL 5 Div & Sub Dist 
Culpeper CR. Mar 31/68.
McNulty W.A.
Reports in Compliance with Cir No 10. reports eight cases tried by the Culpeper County Court where Colored persons have been one of the parties tried and states that fair and impartial justice has been shown.

State of Virginia
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Apr 4 1868

Bu R.F. and AL
Hd Qrs & Sub Dist
Gordonsville VA Mar
Respectfully forwarded to Gen O Brown Asst Comr. Va.
WK Moore
Sub Asst Comr

Transcription Notes:
Places marked by "[?]" need to be reviewed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-11 20:50:32