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Bureau of R.F & A.L.  
Office of the A.S.A. Commissioner
5th Div 4th Va Sub. Dist.
Culpeper C.H. Va.
March 31 1868

Brig Genl. O. Brown
Asst Commisssioner Dist of Va
Richmond Va

I have the honor in compliance with Circular No 10 par 6 Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr state of Va dated Richmond Va. March 12th 1866 to report the result of transferring to civil authorities jurisdiction in criminal cases over colored persons with reference to the interests of the latter.

At the March term of the county Court of Culpeper the following named colored persons were tried upon the charges specified viz.-

Com'th. vs Johnson (cold) charged with felony, found guilty of a misdemeanor & fined one cent & cost.

Com'th. vs Eliza Brooks (cold) misdemeanor braking up a religious meeting of cold people found guilty & fined $5.00 & costs

Com'th vs Mary Glasscock (cold) charged with a misdemeanor - evidence insufficient. nolle prosequi

Com'th. vs Arthur Steward (cold) misdemeanor found guilty and fined. Judgment arrested and prisoner discharged -

Com'th vs Williams (cold) misdemeanor. evidence


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-11 12:15:34