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Bureau R. F. & A. Lands.
Head Qurs. 2d Division 4th Sub Dist. Va.
Goochland C.H. Va
April 1- 1868-


Since last report on results of turning over to military authorities jurisdiction in Criminal Cases, but one case in the criminal courts has come under my notice, calling for remark, and that case is not yet finally disposed of. The case was tried last week before the County Court in Fluvanna.

Willis Fowler, a freedman, was charged with setting fire to two barns belonging to citizens in Fluvanna & was convicted by the Jury and sentenced to three years in the Penitentiary.

The evidence was circumstantial purely, & the opinion of the bar after the Government testimony was all in was that the Government had failed to make out a case, & should dismiss it without requiring a defence. A good defence was made, an alibi proved, and yet the Jury convicted & sentenced.

The defence was conducted by Mr. Jutwiln who moved the Court to set the verdict aside of the ground that it was against the evidence but the Court refused to do so, but agreed to certify the facts proved to the Circuit Court, where the ease is to be carried for revision.

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