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every such case should be disposed of before the Court adjourned, and he was as good as his word. Every case was called, inquired into and dismissed without trial; the white complainants being ashamed to appear and prosecute, and there was a good deal of loud grumbling & swearing, that such foolish matters should be sent up at so much expense to the County for officers & witness fees. One case was for larceny of a few lbs. of meat -one for a couple of chickens - another for two cabbage heads, and things of like value. And in nearly all of these cases there was little or no evidence against the accused. The ventilation of the matter did all hands good, and I think magistrates hereafter will be more cautious how they make expense for the county to pay hereafter, without just cause. Another grave evil has been, the confinement of colored people in the jails on magistrates commitments, when on examination it is found that there is not and never was any proper ground for sending the case up, and cases have occurred where the jailor has received and kept in confinement colored men without a shadow of any commitment whatever.

One such occurred at the last court, and when the attention of the Court was called to it, it appeared that there was no such case on the docket, & the Sheriff and jailor were called upon to explain by what authority the man was held, when the jailor stated that the magistrate had written a note to the clerk of the court that he had committed the prisoner for larceny. The sheriff was advised by the Court to release the prisoner, which he did. I think this evil is cured here.

Similar cases occurred in the Fluvanna Court. One colored man was discharged without trial in a nol prosequi being entered by the Prosecuting attorney, the man having been confined in jail since October last on a charge of stealing a horse, the Attorney being satisfied that no case could be made out against him.    

Transcription Notes:
witnes - I think it is supposed to be witness 05/12/2024 - Appears complete, reviewing to determine if this is done with transcription. Yes, I see the double 'ss' stuck together so it is witness. Mention of Fluvanna County, Virgina in terms of "Fluvanna Court." Nolle Prosequi, meaning unwilling to pursue is written as nol prosequi One questioning term seems ready to submit for review. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-13 10:41:28.