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ordered. So other cases came before the court this term in which a Colored man or person was a party.

At the May term of Rappahannock Co Const. a colored man named Patterson was indicted upon the charge of attempted rape and was found guilty & sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary.

The prisoner was ably & vigorously defended by Moffatt & son the defence being grounded upon an alibi but the evidence was too strong pointing to the guilt of the accused for an alibi to be for a moment entertained by the jury. The general impression among the colored people in the neighborhood where Patterson lived is that the punishment was too light they say that this many never did have the reputation of being anything else but a bad men. He came from alex'a Ga about two years ago. 

I am General
Very Respty
Your Obt Servt
W. A. Mac Nulty
A. S. A Comr

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-12 19:28:13