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Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Off A.S.A.C. 1" D. 4" S.D. Va.
Gordonsville May 31" 1868

I have the honor to report in compliance with Par. 6 Cir. No. 10, Hd. Qrs A. Comr Va. that the effect of said circular in transferring jurisdictions to the civil authorities in criminal cases where freedmen are concerned has not resulted in injustice to the freedmen in this Div, during the month of may but this has been owing to the presence and efforts of the Bureau and Mil. authorities. It would not do to leave the administration of justice either civil or criminal to the civil authorities absolutely as at present constituted. This remark ap- [[applies?]]

Transcription Notes:
I had trouble figuring out what last sentence meant Edited. This page retuned from Review. Too many [[?]] and format changed to conform to S.I. instructions. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-12 19:43:30