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Bureau R. F and A. Lands
Office Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr. 
3d Div. 1st Sub. Dist. of Va
Suffolk Va May 31st 1868

Bvt. Capt. Will. A. Coulter
A.A.A.G. Bureau R.
F and A.L. Dist. of Va
Richmond Va

I have the honor to make the following Report for the Month of May 1868. in compliance with Circular No. 10 dated Bureau R.F.and A.L. Headquarters Asst. Comr. Dist. of Virginia Richmond Va. March 12th 1866 of the manner in which the order restoring to the State authorities jurisdiction in the the trial of Criminal Cases of Freedmen has resulted in the 3rd Division 1st Sub Dist. of Va. Consisting of the Counties of Nansemond and Isle of Wight Va.

I can see no change in the actions of the Magistrates of this Division the same prejudices against the Freedmen still exist, it seems impossible for them to believe a Freedmen when on Oath with the same degree of faith as that of a white man, the Majority of the Magistrates are Disfranchised and aware that

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-12 12:21:48