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Bureau R.F. & A. Lands 4th Div. 1st Sub. Dist. Va. Jerusalem, May 31st 1868. Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown & Asst. Comr. General: I have the honor (in accordance with Cir. No. 10, Series 1866)to report that I am not aware of any case before the Courts where justice has been denied the freedmen, and I must confess, that in offenses against the Commonwealth, she seems to sustain herself fairly, and the freedmen cannot complain. But there is a tardiness on the part of Constables and Magistrates in redressing the wrong of the freedmen not in keeping with the Reconstruction Acts of Congress. I am vigilant as I can be, and strictly follow the requirements of Cir. No. 10 referred to above. Very Respectfully Your obdt. Servt. M. Moulden Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr 4th Div. 1st Sub. Dist. Va.
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