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"G" 98, H'd Qrs 3d Sub Dist Va Bu Vol 1/67 & 8 Bureau of R.F & A.L. Dist of Va 3rd Div 3rd Sub Dist King Wm Court House Va May 31st 1868 Goodyear C.P. Reports in compliance with circular No. 10 Par. 6. Hd Qrs Asst. Comr Dist of Va, in regard to cases in which colored people were interested which were tried by the county court the present month. 10 Rec'd H'd Qr's 3d Sub Dis't V.a May 31/68 Bureau RF and A Lands Head Qrs 3d Sub Dist Richmond Va May 31/1868 Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig Gen'l O Brown Asst Commr Va. Paul R Hambrick Lt 45th Infty Sub A Comr [[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R.F. & A.L. RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. MAY 29 1868 [[/stamp]]
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