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These remarks by the Counsel, together with the reports that are in circulation to the effect that he was promised while in jail that he should be acquitted if he would promise to vote the Conservative ticket, and the many complaints which have come to me from the Colored people in the town where the murder was committed and where Walker now is, satisfies me that something is wrong. And in order that you may judge for yourself I have requested two of the complainants to make their statements in writing, which they have done and I forward them herewith.
In conclusion of this report I beg leave to make the following recommendations - 1st If the the Commanding Gen'l is satisfied that George Fitz Chew used such language to the Court in his plea, that he be forbidden to practice in any of the Courts in this Commonwealth for such a period of time as the Comdg. Gen'l may think proper.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-12 17:34:31