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19 -  

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A Lands. 
Office A.S.A Comr. 4th Div 6th S.D. Va.
Warsaw June 27th 1868,

Brt. Brig Genl O. Brown, 
Asst. Comr. State of Va
Bur. RF and A Lands 

In compliance with instructions contained in Par "6" Cir No. "10", dated Hd Qs Asst Comr State of Va Richmond March 12th 1866. I have the honor to report, as follows. 

In the courts of this Division, very little business has been done and the magistrates seem disposed to do as little as possible.  Several cases of alleged injustice have been brought to me by the Freedmen. in some of them I have found the allegation groundless, and others I have laid before the the Military Commissioner for the 13th Div. for his action,

In my opinion the restoration of the power of trying cases in which Freedmen are concerned, to the Civil Courts, has resulted prejudicially to the


Transcription Notes:
Bur. = Bureau Asst = Assistant ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-13 12:57:40