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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A.L. 
Office A.S. Asst Comr 3rd Div. 2nd Sub Dist. Va. 
Laurencevill Va June 30th 1868 

Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown 
Asst Commissioner 
Richmond Va. 

In obedience to par VI Circular No 10 series of 1866 Hd Qrs Asst. Comr. State of Va. I have the honor to report that the civil authorities of this Division have not exercised their authority during the last month in a manner that would tend to make any attesation in this report differing from my previous reports under the above named Circular.

The Justices of the Peace, soon expecting to go out of office, have ceased almost entirely to hold warrent trials and take no interest whatever in attending to any claims of colored men against whites. A new set of civil functionaries  

Transcription Notes:
attesation = should be attestation asst = assistant comr = commissioner div = division dist = district par = I think this is short for paragraph Bvt Brig Genl = Brevet Brigadier General