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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands,
Head Qrs A.S.A. Com'r 4th Div. 2d Sub District,
Burkeville, Va. Aug 31st 1868.

Bvt Capt. W.A. Coulter
A.A.A.G. Head Qr's Ass't Comm'r Dist. of Virginia,
Richmond, Va.

In accordance with the requirements of Circular No 10, Series of 1866, Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State of Virginia, I have the honor to submit the following report of the manner in which justice has been administered in this Sub. Division during the month of August 1868.

Very few cases in which freedmen were interested were tried in the County Court this month and I saw none among them in which I thought injustice had been done & I have heard of no cases in which injustice has been done by Magistrates during the month, no complaints having been made against them.

Many Magistrates still manifest a disinclination to take action in cases of complaints preferred by freedmen against white people, they do not hesitate, however, to hear such complaints when their attention is called to them by the Bureau officer.
