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1089 our highly cultivated people. jur[[strikethrough]]y[[/strikethrough]]ies are empanelled upon the proposition that ignorance and bigotry constitute the qualification of a juror or of such material that the breath of rumor or silly prejudice will influence his deliberations, although he has solemnly sworn that he will be guided by the law and evidence of the case. It is a farce - a delusive mockery destroying the security of the innocent, and giving substantial encouragement to the guilty. - Cases may be plain & legal & Courts learned and discreet - Counsel capable and industrious, but all is lost with the life sometimes of the accused in the melancholy fact that Juries are ignorant - prejudiced - indiscriminating and destitute of moral courage. These are only a few of the reasons why I advise the Freedmen to seek other means of redress for their grievances than through the Civil Courts. I Remain General Very Resp- Your obt Svt. Jno W Jordan Asst Comr.
Transcription Notes:
Transcription of mockery is correct.
Correction by writer noted.
Reopened for Editing 2024-05-15 10:07:38