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1093 Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Head-Quarters First Division, Seventh Sub-District of Virginia. Lynchburg, Va., October 31st 1868. Bvt Brig Genl O Brown Assist Commissioner Richmond Va. General In compliance with instructions contained in Circular No. 10 series 1866 Asst Commr. Virginia, I have the honor to report that the Statute law contained in the Circular, has not been violated in the letter, by Magistrates of this Division, so far as known to me. I am however of the decided opinion, that a colored man, can not get judgement against a white man anything like a just judgement, and that the interests of the colored people are suffering, and do suffer, every day on account of the prejudice which is held against them. Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servant J.F. Wilson A.S.A. Commissioner 1st Division