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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A Lands
Office Asst Sub Asst Comr 4th Div 6th Sub Dist Va
Warsaw November 26th 1868

Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Comr Bur R. F. & A. L.
State of Va

In compliance with instructions contained in Circular No "10" Par. "6" Series 1866 from Hd Qrs Asst Comr State of Va, I have the honor to report.

That no complaints of injustice by the courts of this Division have been made to me during the month.

So far as I have seen, the prospects for justice from the civil Courts is better now than at any time during the year. How far this state of things would be affected by the excitement attending the canvassing for an election I am unable to say. My opinion is however that it would make a serious change   
