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13 12. 1868

Bureau R.F.&.A.L. Office 1st Div 11th Sub Dist Va
Marysville Va November 30th 1868

Bvt Brig. Genl O, Brown
Asst Comr. of Virginia
Richmond Va

In compliance with Cir. No 10. Series 1866 from Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner of Virginia I have the honor to make the following report on Civil justice in this Division comprising the counties of Prince Edward and Charlotte. At Prince Edward Court there was several small cases of theft for which colored men was tried, all of which were very fairly dealt with, the evidence in every case being conclusive, the severest punishment inflicted by the juries being one month in the County Jail_ At Charlotte Court there was no cases involving colored persons.

Respectfully Submitted

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Thomas Leahey
A.S.A. Comr_ 1st Div 11th Sub Dist of Va

Through 11th Sub Dist Hd Qrs

Transcription Notes:
* Edited Maryeville for Marysville. If in doubt about sp. please use search engines to corroborate your tcs; these cities do still exist in Va. * Bvt. Shorthand for BREVET. * edited the first sentence to Cir = no. 10 series 1866. This is among the circulars used for this period. * Edited Aire for Civil Justice. Aire Justice would make no sense. [[Assistant]] visible sp. does not correlate but I am placing this here as a placeholder for confirmation. * editing Obi for Obt. Obi is not an abbreviation. Obt is used as shorthand for OBEDIENT. * Changed Div to Dist on final line * adding Hd Qr's in front of 11th Sub Dist. Hd Qr's is short for HEADQUARTERS. * Correcting final edit from A?H? to A. A.S.A. Com'r is common abbreviation. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-15 13:52:27