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Commonwealth prosecutions against Colored Persons tried at November Term 1868. Lunenburg and Nottoway County Courts 

[[5 columned table]]
| Name of Party Prosecuted | Charge | Proof | Verdict and Sentence | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
"Lunenburg County"
| Washington Bagley, Mumford Bagley, George Hammock. | Burglary and Larceny | The Burglary was not clearly proven. The goods were found on them | "Guilty" Sentenced to (5) Five years in Penitentiary | The charge for Larceny was separate from that of Burglary. A Nolo. Pros. was issued for the other. "Mumford Bagley was recommended by the Court for Executive clemency" |
| Joseph Blackwell | House Breaking and Larceny | The evidence only connected him with the charge by tracks to which his foot seemed to fit. | "Guilty" Sentenced to (4) four years in the Penitentiary | This is the second trial for the same The first having been set aside by the Circuit Court. "The finding is a very unjust one." |
| Sarah Fowkes. | Pety Larceny | That she was washing for a family and not returning the clothing in time a warrant was issued and the clothing found in her possession carefully cared for and no concealment. | "Guilty" Sentenced to (60) sixty days in the county jail | "This is a very unjust finding" |
| John Jones | Larceny | No Testimony. | Acquitted |   |
| Henry Scay | Gaming | No Testimony. | Acquitted |   |
| Freeman Cox | Presentment, "House Breaking" | No Testimony. | Not a true Bill |   |

"Nottoway County"
| Lemuel Giles | Stealing 16 bush. Corn | Clear | "Guilty" 12 months in Penitentiary | Court granted him a new trial and bailed him till the December term of court |
| Anderson Johnson | Stealing 16 bush. Corn | Clear | "Guilty" 12 months in Penitentiary | Court granted him a new trial and bailed him till the December term of court |
| Richd. Brown | Shooting Henry Hawks | Clear | "Not Guilty" |   | 
| Fannie Carter | Stealing $12.60 worth cloth | Found the cloth in her possession | "Guilty" 30 days in Jail | Made her escape and has not been found.  Tried in the absence of the accused under Chap. 207 Sec 25th acts of .66 & .67 |
| Branch Roach No 1. | Breach of peace by fighting | Clear | "Not Guilty" |   |
| Algernon Williams | Breach of peace by fighting | Clear | Guilty and fine one cent |   |
| Colin Wilson | Stealing Corn from field | Clear | "Guilty" 30 days in jail |   |
| Lewis Carter | Stealing $12.60 worth cloth | Clear | "Guilty" 30 days in jail |   |
| James Clark | Breach of peace by fighting | Clear | "Not Guilty" |   |
| Branch Roach No 2 | Breach of peace by fighting | Clear | "Guilty" fine one cent |   |

I certify that the above report is correct
Wm. P. Austin
A.S.A. Comr

Transcription Notes:
This is a chart. I have transcribed each Row as its own section and have titled the data accordingly. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-15 17:34:32 Chart needs to be formatted [[Chart]] [/Chart]] it's a table - please read instructions