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Jany 20th. 1866 - present Webb + Mary

A.F. Brockwell vs Lafayette Maclin
Claim of Debt due for rent

Payment in fav of the plaintiff [[?]] the debt for 
$10 + for 50 cents cash to be paid by the 5th of Feb next.

Dr. B [[?]] vs Cornelius Jackson (Col)  } Charged with larceny of 12 chickens, the property of Charles Wright. 
The evidence being insufficient to prove any guilt the prisoner is discharged.

[[?]] vs [[?]]Wm Benson (Colonel)
Charged with stealing goods the merchant [[?]] Pitchford of the value of $30 and for afronting Mr. Pitchford + threating to kill him with a leaden sling shot.
[[Adjudipro]] quietly + sentenced to pay a fine of $25 + to be imprisoned 30 days.

Rich Blunt vs John Bland } claim for debt for work done $5.50/100
Judgement in favor of the defend.

Col. Jackson vs John D Walthall
} claim for Debt for $5.50/100 [[?]] with [[?]] from [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
Bottom section is smeared ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-16 14:51:40