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Report Continued

Shadrach Hamilton vs Douglass Chappell 

Action for Debt
After hearing the evidence in the above case the court has decided in favor of the Defendant inasmuch as the plaintiff did not comply with his contract  the court does therefore render a Verdict in favor of the [[strikethrough]] Plaintiff [[/strikethrough]] Defendant. 

The Govt of U.S. vs James Johnson
Jan 3rd 1866 Judges Present Dodson May & Webb
Prosecution for Drunkennes
After hearing the evidence in the above case the court has found the Defendant Guilty and the court does therefore Sentence him to pay $1 costs (Paid)

Easter (C) vs Louisa West

Action for a Debt of $3.00
After hearing the evidence in the above case the court has rendered a Judgement for $1.50 in favor of the Plaintiff  

Betsy Parham vs Henry Jones

Action for a Debt of $6 and 3 Curtains valued at $4
After hearing the evidence in the above case the court has rendered a Judgment for $15 in favor of the Plaintiff

Transcription Notes:
I believe the word is DRUNKENESS not FRAUDERNESS. Reopening for editing. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-16 16:17:04