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1866 Jany 27th - Present Webb + May

Alfred Carter [[?]] Willis Cole-judgement for $40 & 50cts costs
Same [[?]] Ephraim Field - Judgement for $1.50 for debt & 50 cts costs
Same [[?]] Stephen Lawton - Judgement for $2 for debt & 50 cts costs
Mary O'Brien [[?]] Robt. Lanier - [[?]] of unlawful detainer. -
judgement the the deft. give the plaintiff [[?]] of the tenement by next tuesday & pay 50 cts costs.-

Anthony Tombs [[?]] Eliz Crocker } claim for debt.
judgement for $4 and 50 cts - to be paid by next thursday -

Same [[?]] Thos Evans - claim for debt-
Judgement in favor of plaintiff for $3 and for 50 cts costs.

Same [[?]] Lee [[Csrt]] - claims for debt. -
judgement for $3.85 & 50 cts costs to be paid next saturday

Wm. Berry [[?]] James Campbill - claim for debt-
$4.75 cts paid Wm M Wilkson
judgement for $5 and costs 50 cts - to be paids Feb. 3rd. - 

Edwd. Stoker [[?]] Carrington, Caine & Co. - claim for debt
Judgement for $50 with with [[?]] from Jany 1 '66 & costs 50 cts to be paid within 30 days

Same [[?]] John Hill - claim for debt -
Judgement for $62 with [[?]] from Jany 1 1866 & costs 50 cts of which $30 to be paid in 30 days & the [[?]] in 60 days. - 

Adjourned -

Transcription Notes:
On this page it looks like Mary O'Brien but on the previous page it looks more like Mary O. Borin? but they should be the same person? Also Edward Stocker on this page and Edwin Stocker on previous Caine Carrington on this page and Cain Carrington on previous