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4th case
Freedmens Court
Office Asst-Supt Bu R F and A L
Williamsburg March 5/66
(Board all present)
Thomas Gibbons(col) v.s. James Smith (col.)

The Plea of Gibbons in this case is that he loaned Smith ten dollars which was never paid.
Witnesses for Plantiff     
Martha Gibbons 
No counsel                                

Witnesses for Defendent 
No counsel      
Thomas Gibbons Sworn (col)
Live at Fort Magruder, close here at the Fort,  Always lived in York Co.  Last summer in June when I was abed someone come to my window in the morning and called me. It was James Smith. When I got up later and went out he was still there round the house, He wanted to borrow ten dollar and said if he didnt pay me by I should have $10.00 worth of his goods, his clothes. I took out ten dollars and handed it to him over the paling. My wife saw me do it. One Sat a short time ago I saw him at Auction Sale at Willbg and asked him about it. He said he couldnt pay the money he would let me have a coat. He said this at first. Then afterwards said he didn't owe me and I have never got the money

Martha Gibbons sworn (col)
Know Thomas Gibbons He is my husband. Know James Smith. I live at Fort Macgruder. Know my husband lent James Smith ten dollars. James Smith came to our house one morning "soon" right "soon", and called to Tom. I heard him and waked Tom and told Tom James wanted to see him. Tom didnt get right up. When he did get up Jim was still there round the 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 20:59:50