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(Willams & Wormly v.s. Sterling)

(8th Case)

Wormly said Dr here is your horse. The Dr said it isn't my horse. Wormly said he is your horse The Dr said he isn't my horse. My horse Wilson sold.   Ques. by Wormly. - Didn't the Dr say to me take the horse back home, he is true and sound and will work to anything?   Ans. If the Dr. said so I didn't hear it. Ques. Didn't you say in the presence of myself in Williamsburg that Dr. Sterling did say that the horse was true and sound?   Ans I did not say so. 

Cross Questioned by Dr Sterling.
Ques. What was the first thing Wormly said to me when he met me in the road that day.   Ans. There's your horse.   Ques. What did I say.  Ans. You said he was not your horse. That you never sold him a horse.  Ques. Did he say that he had tried to work him?   Ans. He said he had tried to work him and that he wouldn't work. Dr Sterling then said that he had never known him to fail in working, and the Dr asked me if I had even known him to fail in working, and I said no. Ques. by Dr S.  Did I say at that time that he was well or sound.   Ans. No you didn't say anything about it. Ques. by Asst Supt  Did he make any complaint about anything except that the horse wasn't true to pull.  Ans. That was all the complaint he made.   Ques. by Dr S. Have you been in the habit of working that horse.  Ans. Yes.   Ques Did you work him the day before he was sold.   Ans. Yes. I hauled wood the very day

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