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six bushels of corn for hay given him by Deft., he raised a barrel and a half of corn on Deft's farm for himself he worked out four days @ 50 cents pr. day during the time.

Def't claims that she promised to give him one barrel of corn that she has given him much more and that Plft. can make no further claim on her.

Decision. The court annuls the former contract and allows Pltf. as still due him four barrels of corn or their value in money @ $5. pr. Bbl.

Ruben Brooks, Freedman
vs.                    }Action for wages of wife
Mr. Wm. N. Gordon, White

It appearing that Def't ordered Pltf's wife off his farm and that she did not go, and that she was of no service to him, but that he paid a doctor to attend her when sick the Court renders the following 

Decision. That the Def't is not indebted to Pltf. on account of labor performed by Pltf's wire.

N.M. Brooks
Capt. & Asst. Supt R.F. & A.L.