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Robert Lovett (Col'd) Defendent. being duly sworn deposeth as follows. Ducks &c. have been destroying his corn every day for a long time. went to the people and asked them to keep their ducks &c. from running in his corn field. went to Sawyer Norton (Col'd) (who (he supposed had authority in the matter) for advice who told him that as he had notified the people to keep their property out of his field if they did not do so he had the right to shoot them. Norton went and spoke to them himself telling them they must keep their property out of others corn. After that he thought he would not have any more trouble but the next day he saw a gang of ducks in his corn and while sowing his corn another lot of ducks came in the field and commenced eating the corn. so he shot at the flock and killed one. Betsy Hughes then came up and tried to take his gun away from him. not being able to do so, she went for a club and attacked him. when he drew the ramrod and struck her with it.

There being no further testimony the court unanimously decided that Lovett had no right to shoot the duck and therefore fined him one dollar to pay for the value of the duck. and bound him over, as also Betsy Hughes. each to keep the peace for six months under the penalty of the severest punishment that is allowed for a "Breach of the Peace".

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