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No Evidence; Dfdt acquitted.

May 22nd, 1867.

Present Robt. Wood For Freedmen
Present M.S. Reed 1st JRC. A.S.A. Comr.

Frank Williams Colored vs. John McClellan White} Rent
By agreement. Plntff to receive Ten dollars in full for rent to July 20th, 1867.

Jeff Sinclair White vs. Daniel Brooks Colored} Trespass
Dfdt admits that he cut certain standing timber on land of Plntff without authority. Plntff allowed three dolls.

Jeff Sinclair White vs. John Boo Colored} Inciting to Riot
Plntff alleges that Dfdt has evidence of many of his (Plntffs) tenants to refuse payment of money rightfully due for rent. Dfdt asserting that Plntff had no right to collect said rents and also alleging that receipts presented for money paid were destroyed
Dfdt plead "Guilty" sentenced to confinement for one month at Military Prison.