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The Court gave judgement in favor of plaintiff and allowed defendant ten days to pay the sum

Betty Laramore (col'd) vs Frank Hobdy (col'd)
Charge                    Assault

Betty Laramore being duly sworn states, I have lived in the house back of the Court house for three years, have always passed on a walk bordering Hobdy's garden to visit my neighbours. last Tuesday four weeks ago was passing over the same ground, when Hobdy ordered me back, and on my refusing to go, he struck me with his hand, and knocked me down. when I got up he knocked me down again.
Lucy Peterson, (col'd) being duly sworn states I was at the house of Mrs. Jackson saw Hobdy run towards Betty and strike her with his hand, and knock her down, heard Hobdy say he would kill her, did not hear him say, what he struck her for. 
Frank Hobdy being duly sworn states the morning before this affair happened, I went to her house and told her as I was going to plant some seeds in my garden. I did not want her to pass over them anymore, saw her going across the parts I told her she must not go, that way, took hold of her and turned her round, when she fell down. 
The Court unanimously decided to give Judge [[??]] 

Transcription Notes:
last word unclear ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 16:28:18