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[ED. FORM, NO. 4.]


For the month of  January 1868. 
District or County,  Accomac  
State,  Virginia  
Name of School,  Armstrong  
Name of Teacher,  J.A. Nichols  

Forwarded  February 4th 1868  
Received  Feby 6th 1868  

The accompanying Blanks is a copy of the Bureau Superintendent's Blank placed in columnar form for the sake of simplicity and to reserve entire uniformity.
It is hoped that the Educational Associations will adopt this blank, or one which will contain these questions.  (Should this exact form be adopted the Bureau can furnish the blanks).
If any question cannot be answered by the teacher, it may be left for their Superintendent.  Place each answer, to the extent of your knowledge, opposite the question and he will fill the remaining spaces.
It is supposed that no teacher has more than one day and one night school, or but one of either.
Night and Sabbath schools taught by a group of teachers should be reported but once.
The question, "when opened?" has reference to the present season.
The above explanations are deemed necessary where this blank is adopted by the Associations.
Should more extended forms be used, it would oblige the Commissioner to have them include all the items of this. 
Bureau R.F. & A.L., Washington. D.C., Oct. 1, 1866.

Transcription Notes:
definitely NOT a table Doesn't make sense that it was forwarded before it was received but I can't tell what the dates are ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-16 16:55:33 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-16 20:21:06 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-17 09:29:25